Mental health specialist and social media influencer Bravin Yuri has shared his take on relationships and marriage.

In a recent post on social media, Yuri shared that men should not rush into marriages before attaining the age of 30.

He shared that in most cases, marriages of people under 30 rarely thrive and people should take time to ensure their brains thrive and mature in their 20s.

The influencer advised men to use their 20s to build their careers and themselves instead of getting into marriages.

The post has however attracted various reactions on social media with some supporting his thoughts while others are against it.

Ian James: " While the idea of waiting until 30 to marry may make sense to some people, it is not a one-size-fits-all formula. People mature at different rates, and life experiences can play just as significant a role in emotional and relational readiness as age. Yes, the brain continues developing into the late 20s, but that doesn’t mean people under 30 can’t form deep, committed relationships/marriages. Many couples use their 20’s learning to face life’s challenges side by side.

The notion that marriage before 30 is a recipe for failure is just so Wrong. It’s true that some changes can happen as individuals grow, but this can also deepen a relationship rather than fracture it. Marriage is less about age and more about shared values, vision, and willingness to evolve together.

Waiting until 30 is not the only path to a successful relationship after all people marry after 30 and still breakup. It’s better to focus on readiness and compatibility rather than adhering strictly to age-based timelines. Talking from experience."

Nthenya: "Sometimes we don't even be needing these advices,just because some marriages have failed at their 20s it doesn't mean others will,it's also not a guarantee that even after waiting for those 30-40years you marriage will sustain cmon'i."

Bwire max: "Nowadays ata izo za above 30 don’t thrive. The game is rigged. Just marry when you feel like you’re ready for it but not because of AGE. Unpopular opinion…"