Kenyan actress Dorea Chege has revealed that the acting industry has it's up and downs and sometimes one can be rejected for a role due to certain physical features.

Speaking on her YouTube channel, Dorea said her lowest moment of 2022 was when she was body shamed and ended up losing a role she had auditioned for.

"I was 100 percent sure it was mine. I shared it with my pastor we prayed about it. It was being shot in South Africa, and then later the producer texted me telling me the client liked me but you are too hippy. And you are short"

The incident made her sad and she felt it was unfair since there is nothing she could do to change her physical appearance.

Although the year was challenging, Dorea also shared that she also has her highlights of the year such as building her dream house and meeting the love of her life Dj Dibul.

Her boyfriend DJ Dibul said the year has been a  year blessed for him as he met a woman he is comfortable introducing to the world and he has also achieved some resolutions he had set.