Marya Okoth, the wife to YY comedian has opened up on the trying moments of 2022 and a strange illness that paralyzed her left leg for 5 months.

One morning she woke up and she could not move her leg. She told YY and he tried to pinch it with no success and he called an ambulance.

Speaking on her YouTube channel, Marya said that laying on a hospital bed was tough especially since she was not in a position to take care of her young daughter.

The mother of one said she had blood clots in her leg and they made it totally unresponsive. She had to see a neurosurgeon after the CT scan results showed nothing. An MRI showed that one of the discs in her lower back had bursted and that's why her leg was unresponsive.

After physiotherapy sessions, she was taken to theatre. At this point she missed milestones in her daughter's life such as first time sitting and eating.

The improvement went from her sitting on a wheel chair to using a walking aid, the toes started walking then the ankle and she was discharged to recover from home.

After several physiotherapy sessions, she improved from walking aid to crutches and finally she was able to walk.

The couple has been through alot throughout that period and they are thankful to God that she is finally healed .

Marya Okoth is grateful to God that after so much darkness, she was able to see light again.