Marini naturals founder Mitchell Ntalami has shared an emotional message directed to those in abusive relationships, marriages, friendships or any situation that is not fulfilling.

Sharing on Instagram, Mitchell said she was compelled to share in honor of her friend Edwin Chiloba who was found Murdered and his boyfriend was identified as the main suspect.

" Sending love to everyone who's stuck in Marriages, relationships, situation ships and friendships that are unfulfilling. If you are constantly unhappy, unsure, there is constant conflict, deceit, jealousy, betrayal and heartbeat, I am so sorry."

Mitchell said she knows it is hard to share these things with the society and it is not as easy to walk away so she cannot judge anyone who is still holding on.

She however encouraged those going through abuse to gather any courage left to leave instead of waiting until it's too late.

" Please muster whatever strength you have left and love yourself enough to choose you. Don't wait till you are left soulless to leave, figuratively or literally."

Mitchell urged those who are in stable happy relationships to check on those who are suffering since it can be so heavy and hard to share .