Gengetone artist Mejja has Revealed that he has not released new music in a long time since he is having problems with his throat.
Speaking in an interview with Mzazi Willy M Tuva, Mejja said 2023 started with challenges since he had to take a break to heal his throat.
" I have been having issues with my throat, When I was in Australia I had a flu and couldn't get access to medicine and I was performing almost everyday. When I came back the pain was on and off even after taking over the counter drugs."
The musician said the pain was off for a while but early this year he noticed blood spots in his cough and he realized something was wrong.
The ENT doctor noticed some inflammation and asked him to take a month off from music or talking too much and he was put under voice therapy.
Mejja revealed that his condition has been caused by failure to drink enough water, eating sugary things and high acidity.
" I have to follow doctors instructions and avoid everything on the list including lemons, pineapples, smoke and the rest. My voice is my career.
It has however not been so easy for him to cancel shows and he revealed that his recent performance in Nanyuki took him a step back from his healing journey.
The main symptoms are pain when swallowing and he can't use his high pitch. His prayer is that he feels better soon so that he can continue producing the songs his fans love.
" My fans please pray for me, sitaki kuacha muziki, also remember to drink lots of water and avoid sugary things to avoid finding yourself this situation."
Mejja also added that he is still using his voice to record low pitch songs and he yesterday he recorded a song with Tanzanian fast rising Singer Jay Melody.