Kate Actress has finally responded to social media influencer and comedian Chebet Ronoh.

Yesterday, Ronoh called out Kate Actress and Elsa Majimbo and told them to stop copying her. She claimed that they have been camping in her page ready to copy everything she does.

Ronoh was referring to the Aunt Debs character which she introduced about 15 weeks ago and Kate Actress introduced her Rich aunt character 9 weeks ago.

Ronoh then went ahead to comment on one of Kate's video reminding her she introduced the character first.

“Wacha kunizoea aunty debs started this!!! Najua unaniogopa.”

In response, Kate said she appreciates Ronoh for her incredible content adding that everyone wants to be rich just like aunt Debs

"rono.h we love aunty debs, we want to be aunty debs, the rich aunty, you are such an incredible, consistent content creator . I celebrate you Rono. Keep shining 🙌🏾."

The response from Kate Actress attracted some opinions from fans. Below are some comments:

"Bora uweke chakula kwa meza. Hio ndio Muhimu. If people start copying you it means you are doing something great. This table is too big for everyone. The bread is enough for all. If Michael Jackson stopped people from Doing the Moonwalk just because he made it popular, it wouldn't be what it is today. People can copy your act but they will never be you or take the idea from you. Ni hayo tu."

"For real, they should give ronoh a break honestly 😂 she must be depressed even if it's a little..coz hawa wengine can take her ideas and perfect it better than her and benefit more🔥."

"Its doesn't matter who did it better. The aim is to remain relevant and original.not picking and improving what others have created .I'm saying this ,having not listened to cate or rono,from a neutral point."

"Same concept,I'm with rono on this one. Kate is bigger than rono,the least she could do is give credit."

What is your view on this?