Tanzanian actress Paula Kajala and her exboyfriend Tanzanian bongo star Rayvanny have continued throwing shade at each other on social media.

Rayvanny was featured on the Kajalas’ mother-daughter reality show and his wife Fahyvanny said it was unnecessary for Paula to feature Rayvanny in the show since they broke up.

"I don't want you misusing my husband. Why feature him in the show and not your new man. It was unnecessary to include his part since you broke up a long time ago."

In a social media post, Rayvanny claimed that he broke up with Paula after he found out she had an affair with someone he considered a brother and someone he respects so much in the music industry and his career.

"I am proud of you and your new relationship but you don’t know why we breakup up and let me tell you… the day you fucked my brother whom I respect so much in my music career, I knew that was the end of our relationship. I changed my mind and ask yourself know who was taking the other for granted."

The remark didn't sit well with Paula and she responded with a long post on Instagram. Paula claimed Rayvanny cheated on her with close friends. She said that she never cheated on Rayvanny but she was tired of being kept in secret since Rayvanny was still dating Fahyvanny.

In the post Paula said her biggest regret is that she lost her virginity to Rayvanny and now he has made her look like a prostitute and a husband snatcher.

"I regret meeting and knowing you because you have made the whole world see me as a whore and a bad person. I wish I had remained a virgin. You let the world abuse me because of your stupidity. You let them think that I ‘stole’ you, but you are the one who followed me."