Kenyan comedian and content creator Timothy Kimani popularly known as Njugush and his wife Celestine Ndinda had a tremendous success at The fourth edition of 'Through Thick and Thin' show took place at the KICC last night.
Njugush and his wife Wakavinye filled the venue to its maximum capacity and also surpassed all expectations. The turnout was nothing short of extraordinary, with notable personalities such as YY Comedian, Eddie Butita, Mulamwah, and many others gracing the occasion.
Wakavinye stole the spotlight with her emotional speech. Overwhelmed with gratitude, she couldn't hold back tears as she recounted the challenges they faced while securing the venue for their show.
Early this month, The couple had their show ' Through thick and thin' season four in the UK and it was a huge success.
Excited fans were captured on video laughing and cheering on throughout the show.
Njugush, and Cele explained that TTNT started as a small idea before it grew to cover more people in the entertainment industry.
The show first went down on Valentine's Day of 2020 and was later released on Youtube in August the same year.
The show has had incredible success throughout all four seasons and fans are eagerly waiting for season 5.