Amber ray did a sumptuous 1 month birthday celebration for her child. She took to her Instagram account to celebrate her one month old baby and Amber was more than happy.
"I am intentional with my relationships and this comes with intensity. Who I am is where I am and it requires the whole of me. So today I choose to celebrate the gift of lives, to thank God for one month with baby @africanahrapudo, riches and beauty, for money doesn't bring you beauty, money comes to grace your beauty... Happy 1 month baby", She wrote.
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The video posted by amber paints a picture of an opulent birthday party event. The color theme was green, white, and gold, which made the deco outstanding.
1 Month ago Amber ray gave birth to a cute baby girl and at the moment, the little one has 26k followers on Instagram. She has also celebrated her one month birthday. Life seems to be smooth for her. We wish her a long and healthy life.