Kenyan content creator Azziad Nasenya has told haters their hate notwithstanding, she will keep soaring to greater heights. Speaking to Vincent Mboya, Azziad said she does not care what haters say, think, or do. She wakes up, dusts herself and do what she gonna do.

"Stories ni mob, but you know what? We move on regardless. One thing that I always say is people should notice till now, people talk and talk and talk, and I keep moving and I keep soaring. I keep getting to heights that I never knew that I will get to. Mungu akishasema yes, no one can say no", She said. 

Azziad has been  subjected to online ridicule and mockery in the recent past.

After being nominated to Talanta Hela committee, many people were not happy subject to her small contribution to entertainment industry.

The CS later revoked the committee for reasons that we are yet to know. She also went through online bullying when people started comparing her shoes with those of a famous politician.