Kenyan actress Dorea Chege has apologized to her Fiance DJ Dibul for Disrespecting him in public.

Dorea hit the headlines when she revealed on live TV that she prefers dating a man earning less than her so that she can be in control.

"Si ati napenda dooh. Si lazima akuwe na pesa because pia mimi nikona zangu. Lakini akuwe at least. For me nataka nikuwe juu yake because I love controlling."

Her remarks didn't sit well with most of Kenyans and she has been forced to take her words back and apologize to her fiance.

In a video on YouTube, Dorea Chege said she was caught up in the moment and the remarks came out all of a sudden. She came to the realization of what she had said when it was already too late.

"Sometimes you find yourself in a situation…ushaienda mahali kuna watu wengi, huwa kuna hio pressure unafeel kusema kitu all of a sudden halafu later unarealize damn what did I say because that thing you said, everyone is judging you from what you just said and that is exactly what happened to me."

The actress shared that she has already apologized to her man in private but she had to apologize to him again publicly because the disrespect was so loud.

"I decided because I said it publicly, of course I already apologized off camera to my bae, but I decided I have do it public because I disrespected him in public so its only fair enough to apologize also in public. That was so wrong of me. Karibu nivunje ndoa, I am really sorry baby, please accept my apology, its coming from the deepest part of my heart, I am sorry please forgive me for what I did and I promise it will never happen again. Next time when I am talking when I am saying things I need to think before I talk."

Dorea said she has learnt her lesson and accepted her mistakes and she will be more careful in future since words have impacts on other people too.

She added that she has been brought up well, she knows her limits and has no control over the man in her life.