Media personality Carol Radull has revealed that former female boxing champion Conjestina Achieng’ is back to her old state.

Carol Radull shared photos from her recent visit at Congestina's home.

Radull shared insights from her visit, expressing concern for Achieng’s ongoing challenges.

“On 2nd Jan, I visited my friend Conjestina Achieng in her shags in Yala. She’s been there about 2 months and is back to her same lifestyle. 😔 She has good days and bad days. When I arrived she was having a bad day but her face lit up when she saw me and we chatted for a long time as best we could. I tried with my layman ability to gently encourage her to clean up her act."

She went on to admit that efforts to help Conjestina have proven futile.

She urged others to contribute by visiting, checking in on Achieng’s family, and offering assistance when in the Yala area.

PHOTO | COURTESY: Carol Radull and Conjestina Achieng

“What I can do though is be her friend. Visit her when I can. Call her Mum from time to time to check in on them. If you are ever in the Yala area; drop in and say hey. She’ll love it. Do a bit of shopping for her Mum who looks after her. Mama is always so appreciative. And pray for the family,” Radull said.

In 2023, Conjestina received care at the Mombasa Women Rehabilitation Centre.

In June, 2023, Mike Sonko announced that, after successfully completing her rehabilitation program, Conjestina had landed a plum job as the head of security at his Salama Bling Beach resort in Kanamai.

At the time, the boxing champion appeared to be on the right track to recovery.