Kenyan digital Creator and businessman Robert Ndegwa popularly known as Thee Pluto has announced that he and his girlfriend Felicity have decided to go separate ways.

PHOTO | COURTESY: Thee Pluto and Felicity 

In a post on Instagram,Thee  Pluto thanked his fans and friends for the support during the three years he was in a relationship with Felicity.

PHOTO | COURTESY: Thee Pluto and Felicity 

He asked his fans to avoid spreading rumours and speculations as to why the relationship came to an end.

PHOTO | COURTESY: Thee Pluto and Felicity 

The digital Creator said they have agreed to coparent their daughter Zoey peacefully in order to ensure they her life is not affected. He went ahead to ask for some space during this difficult time.

PHOTO | COURTESY: Thee Pluto Announces Breakup With Felicity 

Recently, Felicity celebrated her 25th birthday and Thee Pluto wished her all the best. Fans have noticed that Thee Pluto has since deleted the post and some recent photos they had taken together.

The two have also Unfollowed each other on Instagram following the announcement.

Despite dating for years and having a daughter together, the two were yet to tie the knot.

In a previous interview with Mungai Eve, Felicity shared that One of the main reasons for the delay was the couple's differing religious backgrounds.

Thee Pluto is a Muslim, while Felicity is a Christian. This difference  created a small but significant obstacle in their plans for marriage.

"We usually engage with Pluto about it. You know now he is a Muslim, I am a Christian, so he usually tells me, he wants us to have a Muslim wedding. But I tell him, I want a church wedding. We are just stuck there," she said.