A woman in Kiambu County is recovering from severe burn injuries after her partner allegedly poured hot water on her face. 

"I was on a long phone call with my parents, and I think he tried to reach me several times without success. He showed up at my door around 11 PM, hugged me, and went to the kitchen. I suspect he was looking for knives. When I asked if he was hungry, he said yes and asked for hot water, claiming he was cold from being outside. After I heated the water, he suddenly splashed it on my face," Wanjiku shared in a story aired on NTV.

PHOTO | COURTESY: Kiambu Woman Nursing Injuries After Her Partner Poured Hot Water on Her face (source: NTV) 

In a desperate move, Wanjiku ran to her baby’s nanny, who was looking after her daughter, and urgently told her to take the child and leave. While she managed to get her daughter to safety, her attacker was not done.

PHOTO | COURTESY: Kiambu Woman Nursing Injuries After Her Partner Poured Hot Water on Her face (source: NTV) 

"Mwangi threw the rest of the boiling water on my back, making the pain worse. I rushed to the tap for cold water, but it wouldn’t run. He just stood there, watching me struggle without any emotion, as I started to lose consciousness," she explained.

Eventually, neighbors heard her cries for help and took her to the hospital, while her assailant fled the scene.

Mwangi has not been located since the incident, and Nelly hopes her suffering will not be experienced by another woman. "Whenever I felt pain, I would pray, 'Let this pain I’m feeling be the cost to have this man arrested so he doesn’t harm another woman," Nelly shared.