Kenyan YouTuber Fredrick Marwa and his girlfriend Ro Cabrera well known as Rocio are in Argentina as they prepare to welcome their first child together.

According to a video shared on their YouTube channel, Rocio had an emotional reunion with her parents.

They welcomed Marwa with both arms as they shared how excited they are because soon they will be grandparents.

Marwa engaged his fans in a question and answer session and some asked how soon they plan on having baby number two.

In response, Marwa said he wants a big family and they are planning on having 10 kids.

He said the goal is to see their children grow together so the age gap won't be big and the plan is to have a second born as soon as possible.

Speaking about his bond with Rocio's family, he shared that her father is so special and he is everything he had wished for.

Marwa revealed that soon his family will have to give cows to Rocio's family to fulfill the tradition of dowry payment.

Their first born will be born in Argentina since Marwa wants their child to have an Argentine passport.

He however added that maybe in the future one of his children will be born in Kenya.