Mwalimu Yesu wa Tongaren is a Kenyan man based in Bungoma, who believes he is the real Jesus Christ on a mission to save the world.

Mwalimu Yesu believes God gave him the name inorder to fulfill his mission in this century. He was asked to preach to the people and those who believe in the word would live forever.

The preacher has his own church and 12 disciples. Their names are in accordance to the descendants of Jacob. He chose them himself and they help him run the church.

The church has two stages, you have to repent first and remove your shoes in a separate room before entering the church.

They believe in prophecies and when the team from Afrimax visited them, they were excited that their prophecy from 2017, that people from Rwanda would visit them had been fulfilled 5 years later.

Mwalimu Yesu has a wife and eight children and he believes he got permission from the scriptures ' The wife of the lamb.'

His wife is so supportive of her husband's work. She believes her husband is Jesus and his believers get to see him perform miracles such as healing critically ill people.

His mission is to take the word around Africa and across the world.

Source: Afrimax English.