Preliminary results provided by detectives at Langas police station show that Eldoret based fashion designer Edwin Chiloba Died of Strangulation.

The eyes of the model had been gouged out indicating that he suffered before meeting his death.

According to Peter Kimulwa, Uasin Gishu County Directorate of Criminal Investigations officer, Edwin must have died of chocking since there were no other physical injuries on his body.

Last evening, police were pursuing a betrayal angle in the investigations, with Jackton Odhiambo suspected to have committed the act over jealousy. Jackton is said to have been in a relationship with Chiloba, his close friend, but “felt betrayed” after Chiloba cheated on him.

Jackton is suspected to have had the help of his two other friends in the murder, before stashing the body in a metallic box and later dumping the decomposing body along Kapsaret-Kipkenyo road.

Police are conducting more investigations into the murder.