Jimal Rohosafi's ex wife Amira is mourning the loss of her father. She has posted the sad news on her Instagram stories. "Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji' un; Rest well dad, some day we will meet again for sure..fly high", she wrote.

While the cause of death is yet to be revealed, we send our deepest condolences to her and her family.

Her mother had passed on earlier and Amira had a desolate message for her in the same post. "Dear Mum, continue resting in peace as we wait for our time and turn", she wrote.

Amira had a nasty break up with Jimal Rohosafi where the two washed each other's dirty linen in public. However, both of them have moved on despite throwing subliminal shades at each other once in a while.

Amira is having a rough time, now that she has lost both her parents. We pray that Allah gives her strength and courage during these tough times.