DJ Patiz of radio Maisha and Vybez radio together with his partner Euney Wambo are devastated following the death of their daughter Faizah.

Baby Faizah died on 14th September. Wambo revealed the cause of her daughter’s death, attributing it to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

She shared that she had always been cautious, even researching how to ensure her baby slept safely to prevent SIDS.

"I was always cautious hadi kugoogle vile unafaa kulala na vile nafaa kufanya kuzuia SIDS..." (I was always cautious, even googling how to sleep and what to do to prevent SIDS…),"she wrote.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) refers to the sudden, unexplained death of an otherwise healthy baby under the age of one. It usually occurs during sleep, and even after a full investigation, the exact cause remains unknown.

The night before Baby Faizah passed away, Wambo recalled that everything seemed fine, and they slept peacefully until noon the next day. 

DJ Patiz expressed that 14th September robbed him off his whole world. The couple held a candle lighting ceremony in honour of baby Faizah.

Wambo openly shared how her faith has been shaken by Baby Faizah’s sudden passing. In another post, she admitted that she has lost faith and struggles to pray.

Her grief has made her question the existence of God.

Baby Faizah, born on May 18, 2024.

Condolences to the family and may her soul rest in peace.