Police In Huruma, Nairobi, have Arrested 29-year-old Man With Dismembered Body Parts Believed To Belong To His Missing 19-year-old Wife.

After the arrest and interrogation, detectives from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) said the suspect led the officers to his residence in the area where a search was conducted and the head with eyes gouged out and other body parts were found.

However, the deceased’s left hand, waist and hip area and one upper thigh were missing, police said.

Police officers on patrol said they met the suspect, John Kiama Wambua 29, on Tuesday January 21 morning at around 5 am while carrying a suspicious bag.

They stopped him and conducted a search and found the thorax of a female human stashed inside a cement bag.

The woman had been missing for days.

It was then he led the officers to his house where other body parts, including the head, were found under the bed.

Also recovered in the single roomed house was a sharp knife inside a basin of water, and clothes soaked in blood and believed to belong to the deceased wife.

According to police, the floor of the house was also stained with blood, a clear indication that the offence was committed therein.