Kenyan businesswoman Nancy Kigunzu, known by her popular alias "The Real Mathe Wa Ngara, has been arrested.
Nancy is accused of being involved in drug trafficking and supplying narcotics to various parts of Nairobi. Nancy is being grilled at DCI headquarters.
This comes hours after she moved to court seeking to block her arrest.
According to court papers, Kigunzu described herself as a law-abiding citizen who has never committed any crime in Kenya and that she has never been summoned by police officers or charged with any crime.
She further claimed that she is being used as a scapegoat and that police launched a manhunt for her on trumped charges.
Nancy is believed to be the mastermind behind drug trafficking in parts of Nairobi and the owner of assorted narcotics nabbed during a drug bust on August 17 at the Kariwa slums in Ngara.
Hidden notes totaling Ksh.12,975,000 as well as 26 bags of marijuana and four cartons of rolling supplies were found, and four suspects were arrested.
Also confiscated were 173 pieces of suspected blended drug/bhang, as well as 42 cartons each containing 200 pieces of cigarettes.
Meanwhile, Teresia Wanjiru, who is said to have been falsely arrested in connection to the drug syndicate will know her fate on Tuesday.