Government Spokesman Isaac Mwaura has reported that all pupils of Hillside Endarasha Academy have been accounted for.

He shared that of the 330 boarders, 166 girls have been sent home.All 164 boys have been accounted for and parents of the 19 deceased boys are yet to identify their bodies.

19 learners died on the spot, while two more succumbed to their injuries while receiving treatment in hospital.

"Out of the 330 pupils in the school's boarding facility—166 girls and 164 boys—all the girls have returned home safely to their parents, and all the boys have been accounted for. However, The parents of the 19 learners who succumbed are yet to identify their children. They will be proceeding to Naromoru for autopsy and processing. They will also receive mental health and psychosocial support,” said Mwaura in a statement.

While the cause of the fire has not yet been conclusively identified, the Government confirms that it has mobilized all relevant agencies and continues to work diligently to conduct thorough investigations.

Neighbours of the Endarasha Hillside Academy were among the first responders to the tragic events of Thursday night that left 21 boys dead.

The first responders say they could not do so much; the flames were too high, the smoke too much. They tried to save as many of the young children, according to the presidential statement, a majority of them aged between 9 and 13, but the force of the blaze was too much.

Condolences to the families and may the young souls rest in peace.